Category: Uncategorized
Taking Science Instruction Outdoors with FOSS
Moving instruction outdoors is something that teachers and students both enjoy. Beyond just providing a welcome change of scenery and a break from the usual routine, research has shown that outdoor learning offers a number of benefits to learners. Benefits of Outdoor Instruction While educators may want to embrace outdoor lessons, the challenge of executing…
Pathways Awarded ESSA Tier 4 by Johns Hopkins School of Education
FOSS® Pathways™ (PK-5) is an innovative, research-driven science curriculum with the power to transform science education for students in grades Pre-K through 5. Developed at The Lawrence Hall of Science, the program emphasizes hands-on, experience-based learning. This enables students to personally engage in scientific practices and foster a deeper understanding of the world around them. FOSS…
FOSS Modules Incorporate STEM in Science Lessons
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. These four interconnected disciplines drive innovation and understanding in our rapidly evolving world. Emphasizing STEM in education prepares students with critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that are vital in almost every field today. By integrating STEM concepts into the classroom, teachers can spark curiosity and engagement,…
Science Centered Literacy Integration with FOSS
There just aren’t enough hours in the day. How many times have we made that statement? Probably many! In today’s fast-paced world, it often seems that there just isn’t enough time to get everything done. This is never more true than in the 21st-century classroom. Educators feel never-ending pressure to fit in multiple subjects and…
Blending Active Science Learning and the Science of Reading
For more than three decades, FOSS® (Full Option Science System™) has enriched student learning through immersive science investigations, fostering active participation and exploration of natural phenomena, and empowering students to construct their own schema of scientific principles. FOSS is developed to be much more than just a science curriculum. FOSS integrates with the concepts of…
Empowering Curiosity: Implementing a Core Science Curriculum Students Love
The demand for scientific literacy grows each year, and educators are tasked with finding engaging ways to spark curiosity and cultivate understanding among young learners. The core science curriculum is at the foundation of this effort, and the implementation of curricula is a significant task for any school district. At Grand Forks Public Schools in…
Set Goals and Prepare Your Science Classroom for Back to School
As an educator, welcoming students back to school takes preparation. From stocking the science shelves to potential changes in curriculum and lesson plans, getting a head start is helpful. Once the school year starts, trying to squeeze in planning during your lunch period or early in the morning can quickly lead to teacher burnout. Set…
Nature Journaling with Expert John Muir Laws
One warm morning, as my husband and I sat on our front porch, we heard an odd, loud, piercing cry. Soon, a medium-sized hawk flew to the top of the house across the street. It was hard to look away, but I decided I had to try to get my camera to capture the moment.…
Engaging Students as Active Science Learners with FOSS
It’s just a straw. To most people, a simple straw is an ordinary object we see daily. But to a child, simple objects open up a world of scientific investigation and discovery. Engaging with Phenomena Science instruction has a history of students sitting passively at desks, memorizing vocabulary, and trying to absorb lectures from the…
Activate SEL Through Active Science Learning and Investigations
Social emotional learning, or SEL, is an important concept that embraces the emotions of students as a tool in their learning. It has broad implications in a variety of academic subjects, but more importantly, it leads students to develop healthier identities and manage their emotions. That foundation is critical for academic success in everything from…